Stel­le: Prak­ti­kan­tIn Mar­ke­ting / Pro­dukt­ent­wick­lung bei NBC Uni­ver­sal in München

Stel­le: Prak­ti­kan­tIn Mar­ke­ting / Pro­dukt­ent­wick­lung bei NBC Uni­ver­sal in München

Logo: NBCUniversal

NBC Uni­ver­sal sucht eine/n Praktikant/in für Marketing/Produktentwicklung für die Dau­er von 6 bis 12 Mona­ten, Start­ter­min so bald wie mög­lich, spä­tes­tens Juli 2022.
Es han­delt sich um ein bezahl­tes Voll­zeit-Prak­ti­kum (Mo-Fr) in München.

Anbei die Stel­len­aus­schrei­bung im Ori­gi­nal (Eng­lisch). Mehr Infor­ma­tio­nen fin­det ihr hier.



We are loo­king for a Mar­ke­ting / Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment Intern for the dura­ti­on of 6 to 12 months, start date as soon as pos­si­ble, latest July 2022.
It’s a full­time and paid intern­ship (Mon-Fri) in Munich.

This intern­ship offers an exci­ting and diver­se role in a pro­fes­sio­nal inter­na­tio­nal envi­ron­ment in one of the big­gest media com­pa­nies world­wi­de and gives
the chan­ce to work with some of the most exci­ting enter­tain­ment brands in the world, such as Juras­sic World/Park, Mini­ons, Dra­gons or Fast & Furious. This intern­ship pro­vi­des the uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the dai­ly work of the Uni­ver­sal licen­sing team with a focus on their Mar­ke­ting and Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment func­tions.

What will you be doing?

  • You will spend time assis­ting the Mar­ke­ting and the Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment team for all our pro­duct cate­go­ries Life­style (Fashion, Access­ories, Home, Food, Beau­ty and Care) and Hard­li­nes (Toys, Sta­tio­nery and Publishing).
  • You will pro­vi­de valuable sup­port for the day-to-day ope­ra­tio­nal mar­ke­ting pro­ces­ses, inclu­ding ad crea­ti­on, plan­ning, exe­cu­ting, and docu­men­ting cam­paigns, as well as pitch and pre­sen­ta­ti­on help.
  • You will also sup­port the pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment team with the crea­ti­on of pro­duct mock-ups and pro­duct catalogues.
  • You will assist the who­le team with trend and mar­ket rese­arch, moni­to­ring the mar­ke­ting acti­vi­ties of our key retail part­ners, com­pe­ti­tors, as well as gene­ral indus­try trends and innovations.
What you need to bring to the role?
  • We’re loo­king for someone with an inte­rest in mar­ke­ting, with pas­si­on for crea­ti­ve and visu­al work.
  • You have an enthu­si­asm for pro­duct & gra­phic design, trends and inno­va­ti­on; inte­rest in film, TV and digi­tal con­tent is a plus.
  • You are fami­li­ar with Micro­soft Office and the Ado­be Design Packages.
  • You are a con­fi­dent com­mu­ni­ca­tor with orga­niza­tio­nal skills and abili­ty to prioritize
  • A wil­ling­ness to learn, with the abili­ty to take direc­tion and absorb infor­ma­ti­on quickly.
  • An indi­vi­du­al with a strong sen­se of team spi­rit and an all-round posi­ti­ve attitude.

What will you learn from this opportunity?

  • In the mar­ke­ting area, you will accom­pa­ny all important pro­ces­ses, from the con­cept pha­se through the first draft to the fina­liza­ti­on of a mar­ke­ting cam­paign and the crea­ti­on of various adver­ti­sing materials.
  • Get to know the key are­as within the licen­sed pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment
    pro­cess – from style gui­de and con­cept pha­se to final sample.

If you are inte­res­ted in joi­ning our team, tell us about yours­elf and why you would like to work with us. You can wri­te your appli­ca­ti­on in Ger­man or Eng­lish. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you!

About us
Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures were the first of the modern Hol­ly­wood stu­di­os, and over their one hundred years, they have been respon­si­ble for some of the world’s most memo­rable fea­ture films. It is the home of the epic Juras­sic World fran­chise, the bel­oved Mini­ons, the unstoppable Fast & Furious fran­chise, and Dream­Works ani­ma­ti­on, as well as a rich port­fo­lio of clas­sic films such as E.T., Back To The Future and Dra­cu­la.

Uni­ver­sal Con­su­mer Pro­ducts is part of Uni­ver­sal Brand Deve­lo­p­ment who glo­bal­ly dri­ves expan­si­on of the company’s intellec­tu­al pro­per­ties, fran­chi­ses, cha­rac­ters and sto­ries through inno­va­ti­ve phy­si­cal and digi­tal pro­ducts, con­tent, and con­su­mer expe­ri­en­ces. Along with fran­chise brand manage­ment, Uni­ver­sal Brand Development’s core busi­nesses include Con­su­mer Pro­ducts and Games and Digi­tal Plat­forms based on the company’s exten­si­ve port­fo­lio of intellec­tu­al pro­per­ties crea­ted by Uni­ver­sal Pic­tures, Illu­mi­na­ti­on and Dream­Works Ani­ma­ti­on. Uni­ver­sal Brand Deve­lo­p­ment is part of NBC­Uni­ver­sal, a sub­si­dia­ry of Com­cast Cor­po­ra­ti­on.

Uni­ver­sal Con­su­mer Pro­ducts Ger­ma­ny is a small team loca­ted in the heart of Munich and is respon­si­ble for pro­duct licen­sing in Nor­t­hern Euro­pe (Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, Switz­er­land, BeNe­Lux, and Nor­dics).

At Uni­ver­sal Brand Deve­lo­p­ment EMEA, we are proud of our uni­que cul­tu­re. We are inclu­si­ve, curious and crea­ti­ve; chan­ne­ling a growth mind­set in order to dri­ve the com­mer­cial and deve­lop our peo­p­le. In order to achie­ve this cul­tu­re, we live by
our 3 values:

  • Being Human Mat­ters to Us
  • Tog­e­ther We Can Achie­ve Anything
  • We Always Keep Growing


About Us

NBC­Uni­ver­sal owns and ope­ra­tes over 20 dif­fe­rent busi­nesses across 30 count­ries inclu­ding a valuable port­fo­lio of news and enter­tain­ment tele­vi­si­on net­works, a pre­mier moti­on pic­tu­re com­pa­ny, signi­fi­cant tele­vi­si­on pro­duc­tion ope­ra­ti­ons, a lea­ding tele­vi­si­on sta­ti­ons group, world-renow­ned the­me parks and a pre­mi­um ad-sup­port­ed strea­ming ser­vice.

Here you can be your authen­tic self. As a com­pa­ny uni­que­ly posi­tio­ned to edu­ca­te, enter­tain and empower through our plat­forms, Com­cast NBC­Uni­ver­sal stands for inclu­ding ever­yo­ne. We stri­ve to fos­ter a diver­se and inclu­si­ve cul­tu­re whe­re our employees feel sup­port­ed, embra­ced and heard. We belie­ve that our work­force should repre­sent the com­mu­ni­ties we live in, so that tog­e­ther, we can con­ti­nue to crea­te and deli­ver con­tent that reflects the cur­rent and ever-chan­ging face of the world. Click here to learn more about Com­cast NBCUniversal’s com­mit­ment and how we are making an impact.